- Most of you reading this are not in a prison or jail cell but in a safe and comfortable house or apartment.
- The inconvenience of wearing a mask far outweighs the cost of giving or getting a terrible disease which currently has no cure.
- Keeping 6 feet away from someone on the earth sure beats being 6 feet away if you are under the earth.
- The limitations and restrictions you are faced with are temporary, not permanent. Within 6 months to 2 years vaccines and treatments will be available and we can go on with life as we have none it. This is NOT a life sentence.
- Instead of ruminating about how bad it is that you can’t safely go to your favorite restaurant, bar, club or movie, be grateful for the food you have on the table and your ability to connect with friends and loved ones via social distancing, phone or video means.
- If you are suffering financially, if you have your health, you can survive. You are certainly not alone, and there are people and programs that care about you and will help you get through this.
- Instead of exposing yourself to hours of listening, watching or reading the latest stream of negative news from the media, tune into your favorite television shows and movies from the past or present and experience some laughter and joy each day.
8.When you talk to friends and family rather than talk about how bad things are, share a positive story or experience you had, tell a joke or simply be grateful for being able to speak to each other.
- Instead of reading the latest numbers of people who are infected or have died, read the classic best selling book by Robert H. Schuller, “Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!
- Rather than focusing on something that depresses you, focus on something that inspires you. Google, “Jimmy Durante” and listen to his song, “Make Someone Happy and You will be happy too.”